Photos by David
The first tip, keep your camera and gear clean. A camera is only a device to most but to many it can be an extension of ourselves.
Know your camera, don't keep it on auto, experiment with shutter speed, aperture etc. I could tell you what it all does but where is the fun in that.
Don't be afraid to use the flash during the day. Sure some people will think you've missed the bus but you will see the results fill in flash can give once you do.
Don't be lazy, photo opportunities don't just jump up and bite you on the butt, you have to go looking for them.
Learn to see a picture in everything around you, the old log laying on the beach, the cloud formations ... You've seen in the movies people holding their hands up to create a box, I'm not suggesting you do that but do look at everything as if your eyes were a camera lense.
Don't be afraid to get close. Macros are good tools and should be used. Zoom lenses are also good to 'zoom' in on things, don't be afraid to experiment.
Develop your own style, lots of books and magazines will tell you do this, don't do that ... I personally think it's all a load of crap. The many big name photo competitions are rigged, it's not what you know, it's whom you know. By all means read books and magazines and if given the chance watch the pros, listen to them, ask questions but at the end of the day develop your own style and likes and dislikes.
Expensive equipment doesn't mean better photos. Many a great photographer started out with hand me downs or second hand camera gear. I even heard someone won some magazine photo competition with a disposable camera.
I was once told the pro's are happy with one or two good shots per roll, to me this is way off but is good to have in the back of your mind come developing time. Don't be disheartened if only one or two pictures are good. Use the bad ones as learning curves, why are they bad, how could they of been better ... this is also a great tool for learning as some of the bad ones stick in your mind and you remember when a similar situation comes around.